Faces, Books and You

Greetings loyal readers,

Promo Marketing has recently launched its own Facebook page, which you should totally join by clicking here. In honor of our auspicious entrance into the world of online social networking, I thought I would collect a few interesting links from the Web about using Facebook as a marketing tool.

-For companies looking to increase their presence on Facebook, consider offering a promotion, digital or otherwise, to draw users in. Mega-chains like Starbucks and Cheesecake Factory have recently started programs like this, holding huge coupon drawings for fans of their pages (click their names to see their Facebook promotions).

-There is an interesting article up on The New York Times about an art exhibit based purely around Facebook. It includes pieces that either reflect the visual sensibilities and designs of the site, like a collection of paintings based around people’s Facebook profile pictures, or more abstract items that reflect the new communication mediums spawned from the Web site, for example a piece where an artist entered Facebook status updates via an iPhone every minute for 16 hours. The exhibit is not only a good indicator of the cultural weight Facebook is starting to carry, but also provides visual and communication styles distributors may want to incorporate into their items, like a T-shirt that reads “Friend me,” or maybe something similar.

-Facebook has recently begun offering tools to help businesses prevent third parties from cybersquatting key URLs or page names (cybersquatting is when someone registers a company’s URL before the actual company does, then holds the address ransom). The company has added a number of features, like disallowing the transference of URLs between users, letting companies register trademarks with Facebook, and setting up a system for filing complaints of trademark infringement. See the details here.

Charlie has started an office competition known as “oldest quarter,” because, appropriately, it involves finding the oldest quarter, and placing it on the partition between Kyle’s and my cube. The current champion is a beauty from 1965, found by Kyle. It has stood undefeated for weeks, if anyone’s wondering.

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